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Measuring personality is complex. How can personality assessment retain what is valuable in traditional methods while leveraging the technology of the future, such as AI and machine learning? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Georgi Yankov, PhD, senior research scientist at Development…


Developing your EQ skills is essential to professional success today   Emotional intelligence, or EQ, continues to be an increasingly popular skill to have in the professional world. Many may be wondering why emotional intelligence continues to increase in importance among peers in an evolving workplace. Simply put, emotional intelligence is not a trend. Major companies have compiled statistical…


The things you do outside your working hours directly affect how much you get done during the work day.   Most of us are looking for ways to simplify and streamline our workday. I’ve written countless articles on habits and hacks that can help you become more productive when you’re on the clock. But what about your off time? Turns out, what you do in the evening can have an…


Everyone has 168 hours in a week; how are you using yours?   Author and Entrepreneur Grant Cardone has a quote that says: “Most people have no clue what they are doing with their time but still complain that they don’t have enough.” What he’s saying is absolutely correct. How often do you hear someone complain that their life isn’t heading…


It’s important to think about diversity of personalities, too.   If your current boss reminds you of your previous boss, there’s an explanation for that: When it comes to leadership types, most executives have a similar personality structure. In fact, their brains are often wired the same, says Friederike Fabritius, neuroscientist and author of The Brain-Friendly Workplace:…

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