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IQ and EQ have existed for as long as the human mind. IQ is short for intelligence quotient, and EQ is short for emotional quotient, more commonly called emotional intelligence. Though the concepts are well established, the specific terms have been in use only since the 1900s. Since then, many psychologists have researched how different types of intelligence develop and how to measure them. Recently…

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Are you guilty of poor nonverbal communication? Avoid making these negative body language mistakes at work. ---- Communication plays an integral role in the success of both employees and businesses. Knowing how to effectively communicate with others can help you land a job, build and maintain positive work relationships, earn clients, retain customers, and so much more. However, an important…

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Finding a fulfilling career is no small matter. The average adult will work for about 90,000 hours, or one-third of their life. Most of us would prefer to spend that time doing our ideal job. We say we have the greatest job satisfaction when our work feels purposeful and significant. But what is a dream job, anyway? A dream job isn’t one-size-fits-all. Job satisfaction is as unique as…

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Occupational well-being is a critical concern in the U.S. and globally. According to Gallup, 44% of workers worldwide report experiencing workplace stress, a statistic that has remained relatively unchanged since 2020. Leadership plays a pivotal role in mental well-being and stress at work and can significantly shape an employee’s life. Leaders directly engage with employees on…

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“I hope nobody finds out I’m really a fraud.” That’s an extremely common worry for high performers. Imposter syndrome haunts many of us despite (and sometimes because of) our successes. The three types of imposter syndrome all relate to anxiety. But the goal shouldn’t necessarily be to overcome it. Instead, we can benefit from it by allowing it to motivate us. Recently…

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