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It shouldn’t be a shock to hear that your employees are not all motivated similarly. Some individuals are drawn to the excitement of risk, change, and uncertainty, while others prefer stability, consistency, and predictability in their roles. Some strive to surpass their personal bests, while others seek recognition and influence. Meanwhile, some prioritize fostering harmonious relationships…

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Have you ever found yourself in a professional race, navigating through your days and sometimes feeling like you're going in circles? We all have those moments. Drivers who race professionally can offer us some valuable lessons for dealing with these common time dilemmas. Professional drivers have a unique relationship with time. In racing, where every second counts, they must remain intensely…

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My first experience with storytelling was at bedtime as a child. My father would make up tales to help me go to sleep, in turn enabling him to finally get to sleep. I don’t remember all the details of each story he told, but I remember how it made me feel and that at the center of each story was a precocious little girl that was always getting in trouble. However, she always learned a meaningful…

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Occupational well-being is a critical concern in the U.S. and globally. According to Gallup, 44% of workers worldwide report experiencing workplace stress, a statistic that has remained relatively unchanged since 2020. Leadership plays a pivotal role in mental well-being and stress at work and can significantly shape an employee’s life. Leaders directly engage with employees on…

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Effective leaders exhibit four metacompetencies of leadership. These are (1) being emotionally intelligent, (2) being achievement focused, (3) being strategic, and (4) being inspiring. In this article, we explore the research behind these metacompetencies and how they influence leadership effectiveness. The four metacompetencies were developed using a combination of Hogan personality assessment…

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