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The idea of transformational leadership sounds good when taken at face value. A transformational leader is someone who instills pride, respect and trust in its followers. They inspire and motivate people beyond expectations, sparking innovation and change. And, if you look up “transformation” in the dictionary, you will see it defined as “a thorough or dramatic change in form or…

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Self-awareness has been cited as the most important capability for leaders to develop, according to the authors of “How To Become a Better Leader,” which was published in the MIT Sloan Management Review. Successful leaders know where their natural inclinations lie and use this knowledge to boost those inclinations or compensate for them. A study also found that self-awareness impacts…

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We all know solid communication is one of the most important aspects of flourishing relationships and business encounters. Yet, how many communication problems still exist in our personal and professional worlds? For most of us, the answer, sadly, is, "Too many." It's up to each of us individually to take responsibility for our parts in the communication conundrum and ask ourselves…

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As leaders struggle to motivate people to get along with each other, work smarter and be more productive, they often fail to develop the most critical ingredient to success. Curiosity is the spark that ignites motivation and drive and leads to improvement in engagement, innovation and productivity. In Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline, he says the real barriers to collaboration and…

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Do you ever find yourself endlessly mentally replaying situations in which you wish you’d performed differently? You wish you hadn’t said that dumb thing. You wish you’d volunteered for that project that’s now winning accolades. You wish you’d spoken up. You wish you hadn’t dropped the ball with that potential client. Overthinking in this way is called rumination.…

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