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Meaningful work is experienced as an accumulation of moments, not through all-day experiences of transcendent bliss. Thankfully we don't need meaning all of the time in order to love our work, as I discussed in a recent article. Research shows that if just 20% of our moments at work feel meaningful, we're less likely to burn out and more likely to feel engaged in our jobs. Put differently,…

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Because self-discipline isn’t always innate, these tips may help to stay resolute and on track toward your goals.   Self-discipline doesn’t come naturally to everyone. In fact, if you weren’t taught discipline as a child, it can be extremely difficult to learn it on your own as an adult. You’re essentially playing the role of both the parent and the kid—you…

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A happy employee is a productive employee, but what does it take to create an enjoyable work culture? Mathilde Collin is the co-founder and CEO of Front, a San Francisco based company in business since 2013. Front offers an inbox for teams that replaces tools like Outlook, Gmail and instant messaging. The company claims to have raised approximately $80 million in funding to date and have more than…

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There are numerous perspectives and fundamental disagreement about the true definition of leadership. The good news is, most definitions of leadership fit into two broad categories. On one hand, we can think of a person who has a supervisory or management title as being a leader. On the other hand, we can think of a person who supports and guides a group to work toward common goals as being a leader.…

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You can start with one simple behavior change that will bring a massive impact.   If you’re a leader or a manager, you probably wear a lot of hats. You’re a project manager, delegator, spokesperson, and most importantly, a coach. But the problem is that no one ever tells you how to be an effective coach, or even what that means. Are you supposed to act like a sports coach? A…

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