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What’s the role of failure in driving digital innovation and success? Our whole lives we’ve been programmed to avoid failure. To the point where not even trying was seen as a better option. The biggest reason for this was that failure was often seen as the end result – it was permanent. You tried, you failed. Game over. If this is your mindset as a leader of a company with…

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Agility in leadership is about the ability to effectively balance factors that drive organizational performance at a rapid pace. But does moving quickly, integrating data, and engaging staff really require a different type of leadership? The leadership consulting industry loves catchphrases. Popular ones include transformational leadership, servant leadership, boundless bravery, coherent confidence,…

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No one likes a know-it-all. They’ve annoyed us all by talking down to us about anything and everything, even when it’s obvious they know far less than they believe. But know-it-alls don’t just ruin watercooler gatherings and dinner parties. When they rise to positions of power, they can wear away at productivity and trigger costly mistakes. Joann S. Lublin wrote an entertaining…

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The concept of ambition has a bad reputation in popular culture. The textbook definition – a strong desire to achieve something, typically through determination and hard work – seems innocuous, but the word is often associated with destructive consequences. Napoleon, Stalin, and Hitler were ambitious, and that cost the world millions of lives. On a smaller scale, it’s easy to picture…

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How To Transform Virtual Connections into Real Life Opportunities?   In a time where we are more connected than ever before, professional networking feels like it should be easy. Seemingly everyone wants to network, whether it’s to jumpstart their businesses or to grow their careers. As online platforms like Linkedin continue to grow exponentially it’s becoming easier to accumulate…

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