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Toxic coworkers can be a big problem that you need to deal with. Here are some tips to keep your sanity. We've all got that one person in the office we'd rather not deal with. And that's fine. We can't be best work buddies with everyone. But if that person is a toxic coworker, then you have a big problem you need to deal with. But how do you spot a toxic…

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Exhausted? Feeling cynical or negative? Checking out? It’s not just you—especially if you’re an HR professional. As much as burnout today is a global experience, even recognized by the World Health Organization, it has taken an especially serious toll on the very people who are deeply concerned with occupational well-being: human resources professionals. So, what’s…

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Our work lives have become increasingly demanding, presenting us with ever more complex challenges at a near-relentless pace. Add in personal or family needs, and it’s easy to feel constantly overwhelmed. In their book, Immunity to Change, Harvard professors Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey discuss how the increase in complexity associated with modern life has left many of us feeling “in…

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Everyone, including leaders, reacts to stress differently, but the way that leaders respond to stress affects their team members. When leaders react to stress with insecurity, mistrust, hostility, or social withdrawal, their attitudes and behaviors can cause significant damage to team psychological safety. Team psychological safety is the shared perception of whether it is safe or risky for…

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Business leadership can be just as challenging as elite athletics. In both, strategic performance relies on mindset and personality characteristics. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Barry Roche, founder and CEO at RSG Consulting, about the role that personality plays in strategic…

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