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It’s important to think about diversity of personalities, too.   If your current boss reminds you of your previous boss, there’s an explanation for that: When it comes to leadership types, most executives have a similar personality structure. In fact, their brains are often wired the same, says Friederike Fabritius, neuroscientist and author of The Brain-Friendly Workplace:…

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There’s a key link between helplessness and mastery, it’s worth figuring out.   A growth mindset is the belief that a trait (like intelligence or resilience) is malleable and can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and the ability to receive and integrate thoughtful feedback. Like all human traits, this character trait is partly inherited and partly developed…

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How can organizations prepare employees for a future of work that is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous? The answer is reskilling. The way we work has changed a lot recently, and that transformation isn’t likely to stop soon. An environment characterized by constant change can be described with the acronym VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Under VUCA circumstances,…

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If you had asked 22-year-old me what my “career aspirations” were, I would have looked at you blankly and then casually changed the subject to what programs you’d recommend to model cute 3D bunnies for a video game, or whether the writers of Alias would be so devious as to ship Sydney Bristow and Sark. It’s not that I didn’t think about my career at all.…

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When I think about the miracle of human survival, I think of a picture of Bryce Canyon National Park, a 56.2-square mile, arid terrain of clay-rich soil in southwestern Utah. Archaeologists say humans have lived in the area for at least 10,000 years, including the Basketmaker culture, the pre-Pueblo Anasazi, the Paiute Native Americans, and the American settlers in the 1800s. And it baffles me, sometimes,…

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