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Anyone who works in a deadline-driven environment will tell you working back late occasionally is part of the job. However, if you're constantly finding yourself at the office long after everyone else has left for the day, it might be time to reassess your work practices. Are you continually staying back late because you legitimately have too much on? Or are you wasting valuable time during…

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Employee performance is an ongoing concern. Here are three areas to focus on if you want to build a team that can perform at a high level over time.   I've found that getting a team to perform well is a bit like maintaining my health. Gimmicky solutions don't last long. It's only the long-term, tried, and true strategies that maintain consistent, positive results. This…

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You’re giving feedback during a debrief, and suddenly the leader goes quiet. You can feel the rapport evaporate. This unpredictable shift caught you by surprise, and you wish you could have anticipated it in preparing for the feedback session. Predicting feedback resistance is not impossible, however, with all the Hogan personality data you have at your fingertips. Hogan practitioners…

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Occupational well-being is an essential part of overall well-being. Effective leadership coaching will personalize developmental feedback to the leader’s needs based on the context of their role, function, and organization and on their personality. Individual differences in personality reveal how people experience well-being at work and how they manage stress. Leadership development should investigate…

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People often see a new year as a time for goal setting. But what role does personality play in determining which life goals we decide to pursue? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Olivia Atherton, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Houston, about personality…

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