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Predict How Your Employees Will Feel About Any Initiative

Oleh 27 Agustus 2024 Whitepapers

It shouldn’t be a shock to hear that your employees are not all motivated similarly. Some individuals are drawn to the excitement of risk, change, and uncertainty, while others prefer stability, consistency, and predictability in their roles. Some strive to surpass their personal bests, while others seek recognition and influence. Meanwhile, some prioritize fostering harmonious relationships with colleagues.

The notion that there are motivational differences among your employees isn’t outrageous, and yet, there are untold executives who appear gob smacked when they roll out some organizational change and discover that half their workforce hates it. With the cornucopia of motivations present in the modern workplace, it stands to reason that any initiative will have both champions and detractors. Fortunately, those positive and negative reactions are eminently predictable.

Based on the hundreds of thousands who’ve taken the online test, “What Motivates You At Work?,” we know that there are five major motivations that drive people’s actions at work; Achievement, Power, Affiliation, Security and Adventure.

The unique mix of employee motivations in your company will likely vary wildly from the national norms.

Now, more important than the overall numbers is understanding each of those motivations and knowing how they’ll react to various changes or initiatives.

Understanding Achievement Motivation

Individuals driven by achievement motivation thrive in environments that present challenging goals and tangible metrics of success. They appreciate performance evaluations that are specific and quantifiable, such as clear scoring systems or defined performance indicators. Career progression plans that are merit-based, offering promotions and recognition based on achievements, are particularly motivating for them.

Understanding Power Motivation

Those with a high need for power are drawn to roles that offer leadership opportunities and decision-making authority. They appreciate being in positions where they can influence company strategies and outcomes. Practices such as leadership development programs that prepare them for higher managerial roles and decision-making autonomy in their current roles are highly valued.

Restrictive policies that limit decision-making autonomy or micromanagement from higher-ups can be particularly frustrating for power-motivated individuals. They dislike environments where their ability to influence and lead is curtailed, which can lead to a feeling of powerlessness and decreased motivation.

Understanding Affiliation Motivation

Individuals motivated by affiliation prefer workplaces that emphasize team collaboration and social interactions. They thrive in roles that require teamwork and regular communication with colleagues, such as project-based work and client-facing roles. Organizational cultures that prioritize team-building activities and open communication channels align well with their motivators.

Competitive, isolated, or highly individualistic work environments can be challenging for those driven by affiliation. Practices that pit employees against one another or promote significant individual competition can lead to dissatisfaction and a sense of disconnection from the team.

Understanding Security Motivation

Security-driven individuals value stable, predictable work environments. They prefer consistent job roles with clear expectations and long-term employment prospects. Policies that emphasize job security, such as long-term contracts or clear succession planning, align well with their need for stability.

Frequent organizational changes, such as restructuring or shifts in job roles, can be particularly unsettling for those motivated by security. They also tend to be wary of at-will employment policies that do not provide assurances of continued employment, leading to increased anxiety and decreased job satisfaction.

Understanding Adventure Motivation

Those with a high need for adventure are motivated by dynamic environments that offer new challenges and opportunities for innovation. They excel in roles that involve risk-taking and creative problem-solving, such as startup settings or new product development teams. Policies that encourage innovation and flexibility, such as allowing employees to pursue new projects or initiatives, are highly motivating.

Routine, monotonous tasks and a static work environment are demotivating for adventure-driven individuals. Workplaces that lack opportunities for creativity or change, such as strict adherence to established procedures without room for deviation, can lead to boredom and a drop in engagement.

With a bit of insight into your employees’ motivations, you can predict their likely response to just about any new change, initiative, policy or workplace change. It takes a minute, but it’s well worth it to avoid the shock and turmoil that accompanies a failed rollout.


A version of this article appeared on forbes.com, posted on May 24, 2024

EXPERD, Human Resources Consultant, Jakarta – Indonesia

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