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Young Professionals, Please Don’t Do These Five Things

Oleh 14 Oktober 2022 Whitepapers

If you’ve ever watched The Simpsons, you may remember Grandpa Simpson. In one episode, he appeared on a newspaper’s front page, his fist raised to the sky, with the caption, “Old man yells at cloud.” At the risk of sounding like him, I’d like to discuss what drives me nuts about today’s younger professionals.

If you want to be liked, stop saying “like”

Please stop saying “like” in like every sentence like ten times. Some think the word is culturally defining and completely appropriate, but I’m not one of them. And I’m part of a large, like-minded population. The place where this is most risky is in an interview. “Like” is perceived by many in my generation—often hiring managers—as a lazy filler. Get rid of it.

It’s about them, not you—at least at first

When interviewing for a job, make it all about the employer until you have an offer on the way. Then make it about you. Don’t jump right into benefits and vacation time in the first interview. This might signal that you care more about yourself than the company.

Even a forward-thinking firm that prides itself on work-life balance, free lunches, and eco-friendliness is hiring you for a purpose that benefits them. Once you are confident you have an offer coming, feel free to ask about—and even negotiate—benefits. But not before then.

Give it time

Advocate for yourself and ask for what you deserve but be realistic. It takes time to prove your value to employers, and it’s unlikely to happen in six weeks or even six months. Early in your career, time can seem to crawl, so you may feel like your career progression is slow.

But if you were born in 2000, you have a good shot at living to 100. Careers will be longer than they have been for my generation. You’ll have plenty of time to work your way up the ladder. Be patient and judicious in asking for more money or a bigger title. You can only go to that well a few times with one boss, so be thoughtful about it.

Speaking of long careers

There’s no reason to have a resume longer than two pages. For many of you, a single page will do. (Don’t cheat this recommendation by using two-point Arial font.) Hiring managers are strapped for time and may take only 30 seconds to review your resume. Make those 30 seconds count by including only the most relevant and meaningful experiences.

Another reason to keep things short is that long resumes from early-career professionals can indicate a level of hubris that’s a turn-off. Unless you’ve won a Nobel Prize, keep it short, sweet, and impactful.

Yes, we look at your social media

If you were born after 1990, you grew up with cell phones. And if you grew up with cell phones, you grew up with social media, which beckons you to share your views on everything from politics to the breakfast you ordered at a Topeka diner.

Be careful what you share: a survey finds that 54 percent of employers have disqualified candidates because of what they saw on prospective employees’ social media channels. It seems obvious that you shouldn’t post pictures of yourself or your friends face down in a gutter after an all-night rager. Even expressing views on politics can be risky. You have a right to say what you want but, fair or not, an employer might decide not to hire you because of your views. Post accordingly.

Okay, Grandpa Simpson signing off.


A version of this article appeared on forbes.com, posted on October 4, 2022

EXPERD, Human Resources Consultant, Jakarta – Indonesia

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