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Committing your development is step-one to living your personal legend. The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their…

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There will always be times in your life when you feel stuck and may need to learn how to reinvent yourself. This could come when you experience a big change, such as leaving your job, ending a relationship, moving to a new home, or losing a loved one. If you are going through a major shift in your life, you may have to find new ways of thinking or doing things, or risk failing to reach your full potential. Many…

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2021 is a fresh start—but we have to be realistic about where we’re starting from. 2020 was the year no one was expecting. Healthy or sick, employed or unemployed, we’ve all felt our share of uncertainty this year. Between the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, societal unrest around racial justice and a contentious presidential election, we’re all ready for a fresh start. But…

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Women often unconsciously apologize to communicate an image of kindness and concern, whereas men typically resist apologizing unless the act feels warranted. You’ve probably heard people around you slip the phrase “I’m sorry” into conversation—sometimes as a real apology, other times as a mere transitional or buffer phrase. Unfortunately, this habit can confuse listeners…

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There are steps you can take to prevent the hazards of prolonged screen time Spending long periods looking at screens can strain your eyes and add to screen fatigue. Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a condition in which you experience one or more of eye symptoms as a result of prolonged working on a computer. It can result in headache, eye strain, eye watering, eye redness and blurred…

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