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There's always something you can improve on.   As a business coach, I talk to thousands of leaders every year. Great business owners who have built and scaled businesses to serve their industry and their customers. Yet almost everyone I talk to wishes that they could be a better leader in some aspect. Whether that means being able to coach and support their team members, hire…

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There are steps you can take to prevent the hazards of prolonged screen time Spending long periods looking at screens can strain your eyes and add to screen fatigue. Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a condition in which you experience one or more of eye symptoms as a result of prolonged working on a computer. It can result in headache, eye strain, eye watering, eye redness and blurred…

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A mirror is a pane of glass coated on one side, whose job is to reflect out what's right in front of it. Metaphorically speaking, we are all mirrors, affected by the environments that we're in, the people with whom we interact, and everything and everyone that comes into our lives on a daily basis. And without knowing it, we reflect back out what we encounter, what we see, and what's…

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You’ve been communicating virtually for months, so you must be an expert by now, right? Perhaps, but there’s one error you can avoid in order to communicate through virtual channels and be even more effective. And arising out of the mistake to miss are five ways to enhance your virtual performance overall. Anything new takes more effort and requires more conscious thought. Communicating…

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It may sound counterintuitive, but spending time on hobbies can help lighten up your demand-heavy schedule. If you’re like most people I know, you feel strapped for time. Between a demanding job and family commitments, there’s not much time left over for you. A sense of work-life balance remains an elusive goal. Feeling time-starved and just barely keeping all the balls in the air,…

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