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Since 2020, year-over-year demand on HR budget expenditures has become greater than ever. US compensation costs have grown steadily, inflation has increased, but HR budgets have decreased significantly. As a result, organizations need to use their (or their clients’) talent development budgets efficiently and effectively. So how can you ensure your company’s talent development…

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Have you ever had to deal with a sarcastic co-worker? Or maybe you've asked your colleagues for feedback only to find later that they gossiped or spread rumors behind your back. Seventy percent of Americans are facing unprecedented levels of passive-aggressive behavior at work. That’s according to research commissioned by Go1 and conducted by OnePoll. The survey of 2,000 employed adults…

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Ever wondered why, at the end of your work day, you feel like you've accomplished nothing, even though you performed so many tasks in one day? It's a common reality that many professionals experience, and it most likely is due to you not multitasking effectively. Multitasking is a skill that, although useful, ultimately reduces productivity and increases the likelihood of accurate quality…

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Research suggests that employees will forget at least 50% of what they learn within a few days after attending a corporate training program. So why are companies spending more than $100 Billion annually training employees? Here’s what companies should do instead. Let me ask you a question. Tell me how you applied your three biggest takeaways from a training program…

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A role model is a person who serves as an example, whose behavior, example, and success can be imitated by others. It’s someone who inspires you to do your best and achieve your goals – and you can choose anyone for this position, whether it’s your mom or dad, your favorite celebrity, or someone in your community who inspires you. Good Role Models Provide an Emotional Connection As…

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