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We all know how infuriating it can be when you're being ignored. When backs are facing towards you, eyes are glued to phones or questions awkwardly hang in the air, keeping your cool can be easier said than done. Parents may expect this type of behavior from teenagers at home, but definitely not from professionals in the workplace. As the person in charge, what you say should be acknowledged…

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Technology has turned HR into a data-driven game. This does not mean intuition is waning, but rather that a larger number of practitioners are likely to experience some shame or guilt if they admit that they are ‘playing it by ear’. The recent rebranding of talent management as ‘people analytics’ has arguably enhanced the status of HR. The hope here is that HR can empower…

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You’re running around with a million things to do, and you’ve barely made a dent in your to-do list. Then someone asks you to take on a project you definitely don’t have time for, and you answer “yes” without thinking. Learning to say “no” is an ongoing challenge, but it’s a skill you can refine every day. Just like you diligently polish your writing…

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It is no surprise to see hard-working, collaborative individuals with great social skills emerging as potential leaders and being nominated for talent development programmes. In fact, it makes a welcome change to some of the overly ambitious, pushy individuals who feel they deserve a space at the top table but do not always demonstrate the capabilities to be effective. So why is it that many of…

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Is there someone on your team who seems unusually productive? Someone who gets a huge amount done — without working longer hours? Super-productive people are in every industry. The most productive software developers write nine times more usable code per day than the average developer, according to research by Michael Mankins. He also found that the best fish butcher at Le Bernardin…

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